January 12, 2010

Up in the Gym just working on my Fitness

So how are your New Years resolutions going? Mine are going pretty good so far. I have slacked off on the sugar, packed my lunch at least four days a week...and the coffee....well I can't function without it. But I have worked out the past three days in a row and I feel really good about it. They say it takes 2 weeks for the routine to set in and 4-6 weeks to start noticing results. My problem is that I want to see results now!!! I hate playing the waiting game. Tonight I did the boot camp at Titus Sports Academy and lets just say I probably wont be able to walk tomorrow!!! Gotta love the burn!

1 comment:

  1. Boot camp classes aren't fun! But goodness knows I need to do them more often to kick my butt into shape:) You should be very proud of yourself for sticking to your resolutions!
